Man working at his desk.

金融 foundation for freelancers


让我们今天为自由职业者制定一个财务计划, relevant coaching 和 practical credit tips

给所有自由职业者打电话:是时候控制你的财务状况了. 这篇文章提供了工具、支持和经验来帮助你实现你的财务目标.

当你是自由职业者的时候,有些事情你可能不得不通过艰难的方式来学习, but managing your finances doesn't have to be one of them. 阅读下面的信息来帮助你建立和保持一个健全的财务计划.

分解 金融 Foundation for Freelancers

这个计划被方便地分成了更短的部分,这样你就可以按照自己的时间表来享受每一部分. Subjects covered include:

Download these financial tools

Check out 和 download the 金融 Foundation for Freelancers worksheet as soon as you can. 它可以作为一个指南,并为你在建立坚实的财务基础的正确轨道上提供空间来做笔记.

Running a business on your own doesn't mean you are alone. 使用本计划中的指导来帮助您构建预算和收益,以保护您自己和您的业务.

You don't know what you don't know. 所以,让我们开始为自由职业者建立一个财务计划吧.

Freelancing: Getting a lay of the l和

Freelancing offers a ton of variety 和 freedoms. Typically self-employed, 自由职业者有机会选择他们将为哪些项目或公司工作, 和 which ones they won't.

Work can be hit or miss, 因此,计划和预算对于帮助你在不那么忙的时候支付账单至关重要. Ultimately, the best way to h和le the ebbs 和 flows is to plan.


Write out your financial goals

W在这里 do you want your business to take you? W在这里 do you see yourself in three, five or 10 years? How can your business help you live the life you've dreamed of?

Freelancer's tip: Goals are important — writing them out is even more so. Write out your goals 和 keep them visible.

Grab a pencil 和 paper to write out your goals, 一定要给每个任务分配一些金钱符号和截止日期,这样你就可以跟踪你的工作进展. 一点点的决心和勤奋可以帮助你到达你想去的地方, 和 create an added sense of fulfillment in your work.

You've got to keep them separated

Your name may be on your business sign, but when it comes to budgeting, keep business 和 personal expenses separated. 一种预算帮助你维持运营,另一种预算帮助你维持餐桌上的食物.

企业和个人预算都需要考虑三种不同类型的支出:固定支出, variable 和 non-monthly. 的 金融 Foundation for Freelancers worksheet 是否有一个工具可以帮助你列出并计算你的钱需要花在哪里.

Freelancer's tip: 构建一个 应急基金 to help you stay afloat financially when the unexpected happens. 把你的存款增加到可以支付6到9个月的开支——有了这笔钱,你会休息得更好.

Don't neglect your benefits

Self-employment is hard work — t在这里's no doubt about it. So, make a way for every dollar you earn to help you. 计划开支,并努力建立一个福利计划,以保护你的未来.

健康pp王者电子官网, 人寿pp王者电子官网disability insurance are all important to factor into your budget.

If you get sick, how will your bills get paid? Same question applies to if you're injured on the job.

你的生活责任值得你的远见和计划. From insurance to retirement planning计划一下你需要多少资金来保护你的工作和爱情.

Keep a solid credit score

“花钱才能赚钱”这句话在自由职业者中引起了共鸣. Building a client base, traveling to 和 from your jobs, 购买设备,甚至只是让你的脚在地面上都需要钱. More often than not, these expenses require borrowing money.

信贷 衡量你的财务责任是否对你的企业和个人财务有影响. 考虑到你所拥有的一切来发展你的业务,良好的信用可能是一个很大的帮助.

Freelancer's tip: You can check your credit report at Annual信贷

了解 factors impact your credit score.



不要等到. Let's start on your budgets 和 planning today.

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